Happy Halloween, HFR hobgoblins! It's time for plenty of tricks and treats, and we've got a few planned for you! As part of this year's trickery, we're giving away four issues of spooky In the Dark-themed Issue 51, and one grand prize of a one-year subscription! To enter to win, submit your spookiest limerick by sharing on our Facebook wall, by submitting one here in the comments, or by posting to your own blog/website and sending us a link via Facebook, Twitter, or here in the comments. We're accepting only one entry per person, so craft your limerick carefully! All entries must be received by 11:59 PM on Nov. 7, and winners will be announced shortly after. Good luck, and happy limericking! UPDATE: We are extending the contest deadline to 11:59 PM Friday, Nov. 9. Thank you!
Patsy Helmetag
Orkin electronic mouse trap
The batt’ry had long since run dead In the trap ‘neath the mistress’ bed. But a mouse had been zapped, All its synapses snapped, And some flies had devoured its head.
What the dame didn’t know was those flies Laid their eggs in its flesh when it died. And the maggots that fested in The rodent’s intestines Shed their cases. Disgusting—no lie.
When another was seen by the cat The mistress had quite ‘nuf of that. She retrieved the devise Fainting dead. Cold as ice At the carcass, a shriveled hazmat.
Orkin electronic mouse trap
The batt’ry had long since run dead
In the trap ‘neath the mistress’ bed.
But a mouse had been zapped,
All its synapses snapped,
And some flies had devoured its head.
What the dame didn’t know was those flies
Laid their eggs in its flesh when it died.
And the maggots that fested in
The rodent’s intestines
Shed their cases. Disgusting—no lie.
When another was seen by the cat
The mistress had quite ‘nuf of that.
She retrieved the devise
Fainting dead. Cold as ice
At the carcass, a shriveled hazmat.
It Happens
There was an intelligent ghoul
who topped all her classes at school.
She memorised books
on spooks, rooks and cooks
But fell for the dumb April fool.
Gorgon's Coiffure
Medusa bought a platinum wig;
she curled and sprayed it up, big.
Sometimes though a snake,
would wriggle and shake
the blonde locks around in a jig.
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