Assistant Professor, Creative Writing (Poetry)
The University of Nevada, Reno Department of English announces an entry-level, tenure-track position in creative writing, with a specialization in poetry. The successful candidate will also assist with the implementation of a new M.F.A. program. The faculty member will teach intermediate and advanced undergraduate course, graduate seminars, workshops at both levels, and Core Curriculum classes. Required Qualifications: Ph.D. or M.F.A. must be completed by July 1, 2010. Significant record of national publication (book preferred) is expected, as well as experience and promise as an excellent teacher. Preferred Qualifications: Desired areas of secondary specialization include, but are not limited to: screenwriting/film studies, Romanticism, postbellum and/or modern American fiction, new media. Relevant administrative experience is also desirable. Please apply at
From Minna Proctor at The Literary Review
We are looking for a new production editor at The Literary Review. It's a relatively straightforward position: pouring text into our design template (In Design), helping to build the cover, setting a production schedule, coordinating with the printer and tracking and managing proofs, helping to redesign and maintain the website, and some extra design work on marketing material (what little we have), there's also some work at FDU Press â•" online catalog maintenance using a very simple admin tool. We're looking for someone with a strong design sensibility and an equally strong interest in literature and literary publishing. There are also opportunities to get involved in the editorial process if that's of interest. We're a quarterly, so the work flow does ebb and flow, but it's based on a 15 hour week schedule, $22/hour. The office is in Madison, New Jersey. Some of the work can be easily done remotely. Please feel free to pass on if you know someone who might be interested. Resumes can be sent to me directly at
Centenary College of New Jersey is seeking to fill the position of Adjunct Instructor in the English and Foreign Languages Department for the Spring Semester, 2010. The Adjunct Instructor position reports to the Director of Writing in the Department of English and Foreign Languages. The Department has a minor and concentration in Creative Writing and anticipates the growth of the Creative Writing Program. Responsibilities Include: 1. An enthusiastic, creative candidate. 2. the ability to teach a 2 - credit workshop class in Fiction for the Spring Semester, 2010. 3. The Fiction Workshop meets once a week for 2 hours during the Semester. 4. Use Blackboard online system for attendance reporting and grading. Required Qualifications: 1. MFA degree in fiction or creative non-fiction . 2. Publication record. 3. Academic record meriting appointment as Adjunct Instructor. 4. Demonstrated excellence in field. 5. Commitment to diversity. 6. Ability to interact successfully with a broad constituency. 7. The ability to set and meet deadlines. 8. The ability to work both independently and as an effective team member. Additional Desired Qualifications: 1. Two years of successful college or university teaching experience. Procedure for Application: Applications should include a letter of application, sample of published and current work, current resume, three letters of recommendation plus contact information of three references who can comment on the applicant's ability to fulfill the duties of such a position. Hard copy, electronic and faxed resumes may be forwarded. Apply for this Position through My HigherEdJobs. Postal Address: Ms. Lori Long/Human Resources Department/Centenary College /400 Jefferson Street /Hackettstown, NJ 07840 /Fax: 908-850-8716. Email Address: hr(at) (replace (at) with @)
Assistant Professor - Creative Writing, English Department, Deadline: 11/2/2009
Duties: The position typically carries a teaching load of two courses per semester, including both undergraduate and M.F.A. workshops and craft classes, as well as the direction of graduate creative writing theses. This a a tenure-track position. Minimum Qualifications: Applicants must have at least one book of fiction published or under contract, and an M.A., M.F.A., or Ph.D. in Creative Writing by July 1, 2010. Preferred Qualifications: Publication with a nationally recognized press and a demonstrated potential for teaching excellence. Application Requirements: Please send cover letter, vita, three letters of recommendation, a brief statement of teaching philosophy, and a 20-30-page writing sample to David Larson, Chair, Department of English, Cleveland State University, 2121 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115.
The Department of English invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in creative writing, effective Fall 2010. We welcome applicants who specialize in the writing of fiction. Teaching load is three courses per semester and will include both literature and writing courses. Responsibilities will include directing the Cropper Writers' Series and developing a curriculum for a new writing track for English majors. Candidates should have publications, experience in and a strong commitment to undergraduate teaching, and an M.F.A. or Ph.D. in creative writing or a Ph.D. in literature. USD, an independent Catholic university, is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Send letter of application, curriculum vita and a representative sample (15 pages maximum) of your work by November 1, 2009, to Sr. Mary Hotz, Chair, Creative Writing Search Committee, Department of English, University of San Diego, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA, 92110-2492. We will conduct interviews at MLA 2009 in Philadelphia.
Penn State York invites applications for an Assistant Professor of English (tenure-track, 36 weeks)to begin August 2010 or as negotiated. Responsibilities: Teach creative writing (poetry preferred) and business writing (both intermediate and advanced). Administer undergraduate writing program and oversee writing tutoring. Secondary responsibilities may include one or more of the following: teaching introductory and advanced theatre arts, philosophy of literature/literature of philosophy, American literature after 1865, and/or introductory composition; and/or supervising student literary magazine. Course load is 3-3. Teaching assignments may include day, evening and Saturday classes. The successful applicant is expected to publish in nationally recognized creative outlets and/or refereed scholarly journals; participate in professional organizations; engage in the development of courses, curricula, and academic programs; advise undergraduates; and perform campus, university, and community service. Qualifications: Ph.D. in English. Area of specialization should relate to one of the responsibilities listed above. Ability to teach a wide range of composition courses, from remedial to advanced and from technical writing to humanities writing, is desirable. Evidence of potential in research, creative activity, and publication is expected, as is commitment to high-quality instruction in a student-centered environment. Prior college-level teaching experience is required. Enthusiasm for working in a multidisciplinary environment is essential. Application: To apply submit a letter of application and curriculum vitae. Applications should be submitted as Microsoft Word or PDF file to ccsearch(at)>(replace (at) with @). Finalists will be asked to provide a list of references. Inquiries: Dr. Joseph McCormick, 2nd, Director of Academic Affairs, Penn State York. E-mail: jpm32(at)>(replace (at) with @). Telephone: (717)-771-4051. Closing Date: Application review begins November 10, 2009 and will continue until a suitable candidate is found.
Davidson College. McGee Professor of Creative Writing. Davidson invites distinguished poets to apply for a one semester, non-renewable professorship, the McGee Professor of Creative Writing, for appointment either the fall of 2010 or the spring of 2011. Responsibilities: teach two poetry writing courses, offer one public reading, & advise two honors students; commitment to teaching excellence required. Qualifications: extensive high quality publications, significant awards and/or fellowships. $50,000 salary, furnished apartment. Send letter of application, c.v., a list of references, & copies of recent books to: Alan Michael Parker, Director of Creative Writing, Davidson College, Box 7010, Davidson, NC, 28035-7010. AA/EOE.
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