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Monday, October 24, 2011

Video Project Complete

Hello all,

We've finished the first video of the blog video project. You might recall us asking for your help by sending in images, sound clips, and suggestions for a video based on the prose poem "Modern Medicine" by Michael Brooks Cryer in HFR #48. This is the result. We look forward to working on the next one. (Click here to watch the video)


Modern Medicine
-for JA
To be of help to its contemporaries, an artificial heart learned to sing during the last desperate moments before a transplant operation. The heart explained, before being placed into the human's chest, why fake hearts can sing and real hearts can only pump blood. "Real hearts have trouble singing because of their muscles don't form good acoustics. Artificial hearts, like myself, made of plastic and exotic metals, nurture sound like a cathedral or the Albert Hall. I think all fake organs should sing, especially the shy ones." A beautifully crafted pseudo-kidney sat at the back of the operating room listening to this. It had heard earlier that day a chorus of hearts practicing "America the Beautiful" in a utility closet. The kidney turned to the organ at its left and said, "This is ridiculous. I can sing. Listen to this." The testicle was astounded the kidney could talk, let alone carry a tune, so it threw itself into a bedpan and took a nap. "Will somebody shut that heart up," an anonymous organ pleaded. "Good god!" a small intestine exclaimed as a large one clapped. "I heard the eyes are learning to juggle," whispered a pancreas. "America, America..." sang the hearts.

For our next project, we've decided on "Goodbye, My Chickens, Goodbye" by Anne Earney, also in HFR #48. It came down to either "Surfer Girl," or "Goodbye, My Chickens, Goodbye," and we decided that chickens are easier to find and photograph than oceans are. However, if anyone has any other suggestions as to which story or poem we should turn into a video next, we'll gladly accept your ideas through email (

1 comment:

Luke Geddes said...

No "Surfer Girl" video? Oh man. How about put the chickens on a surfboard and call it a mashup?