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Friday, February 19, 2010

News Around the Net

Every day leading up to the announcement of the National Book Critics Circle Awards, they will be counting down the days with mini-reviews of all thirty nominees for their six awards.

Who has the world's toughest writers? Russia makes a pretty good argument. Sure, America has Hemingway, but who else? Who's Dan Brown going to get into a fight with?

EGGERS! This man is everywhere. I cannot get away from him. The Millions argues why Dave Eggers should become the new editor of The Paris Review.

Eric Puchner tells us what makes a good title. Here's a hint, "Runaway Grandma" is not a good title. Or maybe it's brilliant.

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, I really liked Crime and Punishment and Macbeth and everything, but wouldn't they be even more awesome as graphic novels? Yes, yes they certainly would.

Nathan Bransford asks us what keeps us writing. Or what keeps us claiming to be writing. We all know how lazy we are.

Sure, magazines have been growing more disinterested in fiction lately, but NPR is here to help. Check out their short fiction contest.

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