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Friday, September 25, 2009

News Around the Net

Annoyed about the difficulty of publishing a book of short fiction? So is every other writer who writes short fiction. Madras Press understands our pain.

Literary parodies are always fun. Also make sure to check out this "first draft" of Lord of the Flies.

Dan Brown News! Not only has his novel The Last Symbol sold 6 kagillion copies, but he also determines where you go on vacation. Such power should be reserved only to Oprah.

Speaking of Oprah, here's an interview with author Uwem Akpan, who wrote Oprah's new book pick Say You're One of Them is one of the more recent lives Oprah has changed forever with her frightening social and cultural power.

Yesterday was National Punctuation Day!

Three writers have been included in the new class of $500,000 MacArthur 'genius' grants. I probably wouldn't qualify. I had to think for a second about how to spell 'genius'. I could have sworn there was an 'o' in there!

Banned Books Week starts on Saturday, Ellen Hopkins, much banned author of Crank and Glass celebrates by writing a rather scathing poem to the banners. It's all in good fun. Except it's not.

What not to do, poetry edition. No one likes bad poetry.

It Books: the next big thing in publishing?

1 comment:

Meghan Brinson said...

Boo to the what-not-to-do poetry list.

I like ekphrasis as much as any other type of poetry. Some times it sucks and sometimes it doesn't and sometimes it's great.

Like your run of the mill "I was doing something pretty ordinary that I'll describe using a lot of very similar sounds until --wowza, and epiphany! Right at the end, such good timing!" poem, which is like 60% of all poetry and sometimes sucks and sometimes doesn't and sometimes is awesome.