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Friday, June 26, 2009

News Around the Net

In commemoration of both MJ and Farrah Fawcett, check out the lists of books by and about them.

"Twitterature: The World's Greatest Books, Now Presented in Twenty Tweets or Less" sold to Penguin.

Now you can get lost in the Dan Brown's world too. The publishers of his forthcoming Lost Symbol are littering the internet with puzzles to solve before the book is released in Sept.

Chris Anderson has apologized in advance for having copied Wikipedia passages directly in his book Free: the Future of a Radical Price without attribution.

"Inappropriate" stories by King and Sedaris are removed from a New Hampshire school reading list. Chicago, however, has decided to keep the disputed Alexie novel The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian on its summer reading list.

Nedim Gursel has been acquitted by the Turkish court of inciting religious hatred in his novel The Daughters of Allah.

Winning the International Impac Dublin Literary Award is the best thing that could've happened to budding novelist Michael Thomas.

The influences of Haruki Murakami's own 1984.

Here's a list of the top ten novels about the menage a trois. How's that for racy?

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