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Friday, August 22, 2008

Website of the Week - Cassette From My Ex

Probably the most memorable high school mix tape I ever received was from my friend Shannon. Its theme was digestive disfunction. I can't and won't try to reproduce the exact names, but Side A was a colorful description of vomit, and Side B was a distinctive rendering of the other stuff. Both titles barely fit on their skinny white stickers, and contained adverbs. Gross? Or genius?

So that stories like this one (except cooler, longer and more articulate) won't be lost forever, we have the website Cassette From My Ex, wherein writers, artists and musicians tell the story of their most memorable mix tapes, and then post the songs for us all to enjoy. Tapes called "The Pressure of Life" and "OBLITERATION" bring back high school memories, as does food poisoning, in my case.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The main thing that iKids will never know/appreciate about mix tapes is how much time and care had to go into their production.